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2024/25 Registration Form
Your date of birth & email address will be used to link you to your child/young person on the FA Whole Game System.  
The club will contact you on an adhoc basis with relevant club news / events by email.

I confirm that I have read, or been made aware of, the organisation’s policies concerning: 

All policies are available at

I give my consent that if an emergency medical situation arises, the organisation/club may act as loco parentis. If the need arises for administration of first aid and/or other medical treatment which in the opinion of a qualified medical practitioner may be necessary. I also understand that in such circumstances that all reasonable steps are made.

Please tick to confirm you would like to register for the 2024/25 season as a Winscombe AFC player.

I understand that for under 16s, they will be registered for senior football on their 16th birthday and for the under 18s, they will be automatically registered at the start of the season.

Thank you for registering for the 24/25 Season.

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